Recent recording in church with Ralph Allwood

Recent recording in church with Ralph Allwood

Our church and church hall are available for hire. The church is hired by professional musical groups on a regular basis, including groups like Exaudi, Sansara, Londinium, Stile Antico, Opus Anglicanum, the Brighton Early Music Festival and several high-profile pianists. The acoustic in the nave is exceptional for rehearsal and we also have a Steinway D grand piano.

Email Anna:

Once you have agreed the booking terms with Bett or Anna, please fill in this form here.

NB . We have Mass every weekday from 12.15-12.45pm, apart from Thursdays (10-10.30am)

September 2022 - due to the huge increase in gas prices, it is totally inefficient for us to heat the church during the week. It costs over £200 a day to keep the church at a reasonable temperature. We will therefore not be heating the church from Monday-Friday. If you would like to pay extra for heating, we can discuss this.

Rehearsal Rates from January 2024:

(Bookings made before September 2022 will still be at the old rate)

£60 if hiring only for 1 hour

Further rates:

£35 an hour base rate 

£35 an hour with harpsichord

£40 an hour with Steinway 

Concert fee:

£375 (3 hour rehearsal on the day & concert)

£75 additional cost for use of Steinway

£700 for full use of church and hall


£40 an hour rental with Steinway

£70 an hour with house pianist

£100 an hour with pianist and recording/video